This list was made on an idle afternoon when I was thinking how everyone crams every man who is sexually attracted by other men into the same category, in spite of time and place and all those other bizillon genes thatinteract to create someone unique. Even someone someone situational who is attracted one way under one set of circumstances and another way somewhere else in someone other time at a different age.
A gay friend, I won’t say what kind, endorsed this whole concept, and suggested more. Then came “The Power of the Dog” to contribute the super-smart, totally repressed man to the point of broken, qualifying as something like evil, complete with a set of accoutrements of perversion: fetishes, domination, porn memory, inappropriate attachment, gender hatred, and only a flicker of the remnants of a loved one. And his budding fellow killer.
These categories are meant to be innocent and healthy — just various.
Militant — demonstrators, defiant
Gentlemanly — well-dressed, educated, courtly
Street survivors — tough, multi-racial, torn jeans
Combat survivors — black leather, motorcycles, fisting
Actors — shape-shifters, appearance conscious
Nerds — bookish, loners, glasses
Indigenous — noble, shamanic, feathers
Fluid — polymorphous, responsive, night time
Trans — double-gender, med dependent, earnest
Unconscious — something undefined but different, elusive.
Movie cowboys — open secrets, Quite a number of “tough” hombres prefer their buds. It’s simpler.